If you're a reporter and would like more information on any medical topics, if you would like to speak with a medical expert, or you need a patient condition update, contact our Communications Department at 218.736.8193. Every effort will be made to put you in touch with the appropriate resources for your story.
All requests for interviews and patient conditions must be directed to the Communications Department. Please remember that the patient's first and last name are required in order for us to look up a patient's condition.
Media Policies & Procedures
All news media inquiries, including requests for patient conditions, must be directed to Media Relations in the Communications Department by calling 218.736.8193.
Medical Resources for Your Stories
Lake Region Healthcare (LRH) has medical experts available for interviews on a wide variety of topics. Call 218.736.8193 to schedule an interview or send an e-mail request.
Every effort will be made to arrange for one of our experts to answer your questions or provide background information for your assignment. (Please note that patient care is our first priority, and occasionally our physicians' schedules will not allow for interviews.)
There are no news releases at this time.