Education & Events

Survivors of Suicide Loss Support Group


Our SOSL (Survivor of Suicide Loss) support group provides a comfortable, non-threatening setting to share your experiences and thoughts OR you may just want to listen. Feelings shared are kept confident, confidential and discussed only within the confines of the group meeting. Being with those who have had similar experiences, who understand in a special way, is a gift the group shares with one another, a gift that may not be available elsewhere.
Facility: Lake Region Healthcare/Hospital
Location: Lake Region Healthcare Medical Staff Meeting Room
Type: Support Group
Preregistration: Not required
Contact: Maria or Tammy
Phone: 218.671.1805
Sponsor: Lake Region Healthcare
Cost: Free
Language: English
Directions to the meeting room: Come in the main hospital admission doors; circle the cafeteria until you come to the end of the hallway. Right is to Radiology and Lab, and left will take you to the Medical Staff Meeting Room on the right hand side of the hallway. Signs will be posted to direct the way.

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